The World's Toughest

Other Sports

Outdoor Cyclists, Indoor Cyclists, Swimmers, and Multi-Sport Athletes are Welcome at Badwater 267 VR!

Equating several different sports is a very imperfect “science,” but we did our best to develop seemingly reasonable numbers. Here are the calculations / requirements:

267 Miles Running

31 days = average of 8.612 miles per day

Average Pace of 8 minutes per mile = 1.07 miles per hour = 1:05 spent each day

Average Pace of 10 minutes per mile = 6 miles per hour = 1.43 hours or 1:26 spent each day

Average Pace of 12 minutes per mile = 5 miles per hour = 1.72 hours or 1:43 spent each day

Average Pace of 15 minutes per mile = 4 miles per hour = 2.15 hours of 2:09 spent each day

NOTE: Combined Course Records for Badwater Cape Fear + Badwater Salton Sea + Badwater 135 = 48 Hours or 5.56 miles per hour = 1.55 hours or 1:33 spent each day (This is an average of the men’s and women’s course records.)

1068 Miles Cycling or 4 x 267 (4 miles cycling = 1 mile running)

31 days = average of 34.45 miles per day

Average Pace of 20 MPH = 1.72 hours or 1:43 spent each day

Average Pace of 14 MPH = 2.87 hours or 2:52 spent each day

133.5 Miles Swimming or 1/2 x 267 (1 mile of swimming = 2 miles running)

31 days = average of 4.306 miles per day

Average Pace of 2 MPH = 2.153 hours or 2:09 spent each day

Average Pace of 1.5 MPH = 2.9 hours or 2:54 spent each day

534 Miles Hand Cycling or 2 x 267 (2 miles of hand cycling = 1 miles running)

31 days = average of 17.22 miles per day

Average Pace of 8 MPH = 2.15 hours or 2:09 spent each day

Average Pace of 10 MPH = 1.72 hours or 1:43 spent each day

Other Multi-Sport Category Options

Paddle sports such as SUP and kayaking, and cross-country skiing, count one-for-one in the Multi-Sport Category!

The map of the Badwater 267 VR race route is 267 miles long and the participants need to log their miles each day on the website. Then they see themselves moving along the map. With the above, swimmers would credit themselves twice their swimming distance each day, while outdoor cyclists would divide by 4, indoor cyclists divide by 5, and handcyclists divide by 2, in order to move along the map consistently so that everyone hits 267 miles at the end. 

Welcome aboard, all Badwater athletes!

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