The World's Toughest

On Long-Term Health and Fitness

Feb 4, 1967 was my 39th birthday. My age, now, being 77+, that’s almost a lifetime ago. I had just left an extensive physical, by the University of California team physician, Thomas Barber MD. His last words to me, and I have repeated them many times, over the years. “Al, my friend, unless you make a commitment to, and establish a constructive style of nutrition and exercise: the next time I examine your body it will have a tag on your one of your toes!” Not a pleasant diagnostic evaluation. You often say “there are NO coincidences” but, on that same day, I received an invitation from David Pain (an attorney in San Diego) to compete in the first US Masters Track and Field Championships, for men 40 and older, to be held in San Diego on July 4, 1968. I had 18 months to turn around my “lifestyle” IF I wanted to be included. AND, of course, to stay alive. At that time, I weighed almost 300 pounds!! I won’t bore you with anymore but I will say that I met ALL my goals. This photo is a DECADE LATER.


Your friend, AL

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