The World's Toughest

Farm To Feet™ : Official Sock of BADWATER®

Oak Park, CA – AdventureCORPS® is pleased to formally announce its partnership with Farm To Feet™ Socks of Mt. Airy, NC and to recognize them as the Official Sock of Badwater®, the world’s toughest brand and the world’s toughest races.

AdventureCORPS and Badwater only partner with reputable brands with similar values and which already have a proven track record among Badwater athletes. AdventureCORPS first learned of the American-made Farm to Feet socks from Pam Rickard, a veteran of Badwater Cape Fear and Badwater Salton Sea who is a big fan of these wool socks made in her home state of Virginia. Rickard sent two pair to Chris Kostman, the BADWATER race director, and he wore them every day while running the eight-day Badwater Presents Mustang Trail Race in Nepal last October. He came away with happy feet, no blisters, and totally impressed. Kostman said “I have long been sold on merino wool because it is simply the best fabric to put against the skin: it almost has ‘artificial intelligence’ because it ‘knows’ whether the wearer needs to be warm or cool. It’s wicking property is unparalleled, and one can wear wool for several DAYS before it starts to stink! These Farm To Feet socks are the ultimate for the training and racing that the world’s toughest athletes take on!”

All entrants in all 2016 BADWATER races, including the legendary STYR Labs Badwater 135 on July 18-20 and the Silver State 508 ultracycling race on September 17-19, are receiving Farm To Feet Socks and the feedback from the March 19 Badwater Cape Fear and May 1-2 Badwater Salton Sea sock wearers has been incredible favorable.

Farm To Feet is committed to goal of creating the world’s best wool socks by exclusively using an all-American recipe: US materials, US manufacturing, and US workers. Using a domestic supply chain, Farm To Feet manufactures premium products with the highest quality materials, while minimizing the impact on the environment.

Get a 15% discount when you order Farm To Feet by mentioning BADWATER at


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