The World's Toughest

Badwater Coaching by AdventureCORPS

Running 135 miles from Death Valley to Mt. Whitney in July is a formidable task, even for the veterans who have accomplished this feat before. For rookies, it may almost seem like a dream, or nearly impossible.

This is why we are very pleased to announce BADWATER COACHING by AdventureCORPS, the first official training program for the Badwater Ultramarathon, endorsed by us at AdventureCORPS and administered by Jennifer Vogel, the second place female finisher in 2011, a three-time Badwater support crew member, and a full-time, certified, and very experienced professional coach. She’s also an award-winning Iron-distance triathlete, and a 2012 Furnace Creek 508 finisher who lives and trains in very hot Florida. She knows how to push herself and her clients to their fullest potential in the most extreme conditions.

Jennifer utilizes the latest in coaching modalities as well as years of Badwater experience to bring you to the start line of the world’s toughest foot race in the best shape of your life. As you would expect from any program endorsed by AdventureCORPS, Badwater Coaching utilizes a holistic training approach, blending all aspects of an athlete’s life with strategic time management to make every workout count. This is the farthest thing from a “Run X amount of miles this week, next week, next month…” program, nor is it some generic, recycled spreadsheet sent to you by email.

The Benefits of Badwater Coaching:
• Badwater-specific premium account to track all your training, nutrition and metrics like weight and sleep with charts to monitor your fitness and performance trends as they change over time.
• Periodized training specifically focused on the Badwater Ultramarathon
• Custom weekly training plans
• Unlimited client initiated emails
• Weekly program review
• Weekly program adjustment as needed
• Weekly phone call with coach Jenn to review training
• Training and race day nutrition analysis
• Mental preparation
• Hydration and cooling stratagies
• Gear selection
• Three 30-minute phone or Skype calls with the Badwater Ultramarathon Race Director in the months leading up to the race. Ask those questions you’ve always wanted to ask!

In addition to online coaching, the Badwater Coaching package by AdventureCORPS includes the following in-person race week assistance:
• Race strategy
• Review of support vehicle set up
• Coach Jenn accessible to crews and athletes during race

That’s right: Unlike other coaches who you may never meet in person, or who will unavailable to you during the race, Jennifer will be there on Sunday to help you put the finishing touches on your Badwater plan. And once the race starts, she’ll be available for your support crew to contact with questions or concerns. Then, once the race is over, she’ll be there to celebrate with you, your crew, and your Badwater Belt Buckle!

The cost for this one-of-a-kind coaching program is $295 per four week block, plus a $95 one-time enrollment fee. The first two blocks must be paid in advance and a discount is available for paying for the full five blocks in advance.

The race is just 20 weeks away. Will you be ready?


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